2008 Election – The Democrats Take Over.

November 7, 2008

I have no idea how I managed to stay quiet during the entire 2008 election.  I think it’s partly that I was more interested in watching commentary and hearing what other people thought and really didn’t have the energy or even desire to voice my own opinions.  And part of it is probably laziness.

So here we are with President Barack Obama.

I really don’t know how we got here.  I suppose there are more than a few Republicans thinking “Oh!  I get it…a community organizer is a person that is probably pretty good at organizing a community.  That might be a handy thing in a general election.” 

There are a few topics I’d like to discuss in the next few days.  I thought maybe breaking them up would be a better idea than spewing everything into one post.  It might also help me get into the habit of writing consistently.  Today, I would like to discuss the 2008 election in general terms.

The main point I’d like to touch on today is one that I’ve been dying to write about for months, but I’m a Cubs fan, so I’m a very superstitious person that always experiences that impending sense of doom.  I didn’t dare talk about a possible Democratic victory.  But now that Barack Obama has begun selecting cabinet members, it is safe for me bring this topic up. 

Four years ago, after George W. Bush defeated John Kerry, I heard conservatives claim that it was the death of the Democratic Party.  After the 2004 election, the Republicans controlled the White House, had a 17 seat advantage in House and a 3 seat advantage in the Senate.  Even in victory, Republicans aren’t honest with themselves.  Bush claimed this victory was decisive enough to give him a mandate, and he planned to spend that capital.  After all, Bush received more votes than any other president in American History.  Of course, John Kerry, in defeat, received more votes than any president in American History, as well.  Bush beat Kerry in electoral votes, 286-251.  If Kerry would have won Ohio, Read the rest of this entry »

Humor and Politics

May 20, 2008

Let me be honest, Mr. McCain.  You’re not funny.  Don’t try to be funny.  Don’t go on SNL anymore.  Nobody really finds formulated self deprecating humor from politicians to be funny.  Hillary Clinton has used all the self deprecating humor up for the 2008 election.  You telling awful jokes   Read the rest of this entry »